Personal E-Styling
Have a one to one appointment with Alex online, to have a shopping experience that is bought directly to your door. Personal E Styling saves time and is an organised and practical way to look stylish with exactly the same impact as if you were working with Alex face to face.
Wether you want to refresh your wardrobe, re invent your look, shop for a special occasion, Alex can help with this unique and personalised service.
How it works - A Personal consultation takes place with Alex either online with a video session or over the telephone. Together you discuss your needs and wants regarding your style. Alex will go away, prepare a look book based on your requirements and you will have a follow up session to discuss the them. A look book will also be e mailed to you. Once agreed, the outfits will be sent to you for the fitting to take place in the comfort of your home. Alex can be available online to help with the styling session virtually or leave it to you to decide what suits and works. Clothes not kept will be collected and returned.
To schedule an appointment please click below. And please note this service is UK based only.